What is the WristAbility program?

The WristAbility program is a comprehensive exercise and physical activity management approach to TFCC tears and other causes of ulnar sided wrist pain. Through consultation and collaboration between you and an exercise specialist, your WristAbility program is developed and constantly updated as your journey changes.

Is the WristAbility program the right fit for me?

The WristAbility program is the right fit for anyone who wants to improve their wrist ability, which may include regaining range of motion, strength, endurance, tolerance to activities and many more factors. 

The program does not substitute medical advice, but can complement any management plan of ulnar sided wrist pain for both conservative and surgical options.

What can I expect from the program?

A consultation to discuss your goals, expectations and concerns. We work with anyone who wants to improve their wrist ability and who are willing to put in the work to get there.

A tailored exercise and physical activity program consisting of a 4-6 day schedule on a virtual platform. Your program is designed and adapted according to your progress by a qualified exercise specialist.

Will this program fix my wrist pain?

The WristAbility program is not a quick fix for wrist pain - it's so much more than that!  Our program views ulnar sided wrist pain from a movement optimist perspective. We've helped multiple individuals regain confidence and functionality to perform the activities that they love, with zero or less pain.